Showing 841 - 860 of 3051 results. Page: 43 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
841 Agapios Greek Love. M
842 Agastya Hindi Agastya is the patron saint of southern India. M

843 Agastya Indian Name of a wise man. M
844 Agathias Greek Good. M
845 Age Norse Ancestors. M
846 Age Scandinavian Variant of Ake: Ancestor. M
847 Agee Biblical A valley, deepness. M
848 Agenor Greek Son of Poseidon. M
849 Ager Basque Gatherer. M
850 Ager Hebrew Gathers. M
851 Agha Muslim Master. Owner.. M
852 Aghaderg Irish From the red ford. M
853 Aghamore Irish From the great field. M

854 Aghy Irish Friend of horses. M
855 Agiefan Anglo-Saxon Gives. M
856 Agilberht Anglo-Saxon Name of a bishop. M
857 Aglaeca Anglo-Saxon Fighter. M
858 Aglaral ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M
859 Aglarale ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M
860 Aglaval ArthurianLegend Brother of Percival. M