Showing 781 - 800 of 3051 results. Page: 40 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
781 Aengus Celtic Exceptionally strong. M
782 Aengus Irish One vigor. M

783 Aengus Scottish Unnaturally strong. M
784 Aenon Biblical A cloud; fountain; his eye M
785 Aeolius Latin Mythical keeper of the winds. M
786 Aeolus Greek Changeable; god of the winds. M
787 Aeolus Latin Mythical keeper of the winds. M
788 Aescby English From the ash tree farm. M
789 Aescford English Lives by the ash tree ford. M
790 Aeschylus Latin Athenian poet. M
791 Aesclapius Latin God of medicine. M
792 Aescleah English Lives in the ash tree grove. M
793 Aesclin English Lives at the ash tree pool. M

794 Aesctun English From the ash tree farm. M
795 Aesculapius Greek God of medicine. M
796 Aesculapius Latin God of medicine. M
797 Aescwine English Spear friend. M
798 Aescwyn English Spear friend. M
799 Aesir Norse Of the gods. M
800 Aesoburne English Lives near the ash tree brook. M