Showing 741 - 760 of 3051 results. Page: 38 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
741 Aeccestane English Swordsman's stone. M
742 Aedd Welsh A king of Ireland. M

743 Aedus Irish Fire. M
744 Aeetes Greek Medea's father. M
745 Aeetes Latin Medea's father. M
746 Aegaeus Latin From the Aegean sea. M
747 Aegelmaere English Infamous. M
748 Aegelweard English Noble protector. M
749 Aegeon Shakespearean 'The Comedy of Errors' A merchant of Syracuse. M
750 Aegeus Greek Zeus' shield, which was made of goatskin. Also the name of the second husband of Medea. M
751 Aegeus Latin From the Aegean sea. M
752 Aegidius Latin A Latin name based on the Greek word for kid or goatskin. M
753 Aegion Shakespearean 'The Comedy of Errors' Father to the twin brothers Antipholus of Ephesus, and Antipholus of Syracuse. M

754 Aegir Norse Of the gods. M
755 Aegis Greek Variant of Aegeus: Zeus' shield, which was made of goatskin. Also the name of the second husband of Medea. M
756 Aegisthus Greek Cousin of Agamemnon. M
757 Aegisthus Latin Cousin of Agamemnon. M
758 Aegyptus Greek King of Egypt; father of the Danaides. M
759 Aegyptus Latin Brother of Daunus. M
760 Aeker English From the oak tree. M