Showing 701 - 720 of 3051 results. Page: 36 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
701 Adoniram Biblical My Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation M
702 Adonis Greek Handsome; a lord. Greek mythology; a youth beloved of Aphrodite. M

703 Adoniya Hebrew Variant of Adoniah: The Lord is my God. M
704 Adoniyah Hebrew Variant of Adoniah: The Lord is my God. M
705 Adooeette NativeAmerican Variant of Adoeete: Kiowa word for tree. M
706 Adoraim Biblical Strength of the sea. M
707 Adoram Biblical Their beauty, their power. M
708 Adrammelech Biblical The cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king. M
709 Adramyttium Biblical The court of death. M
710 Adras Greek Manly. M
711 Adrastus Greek One of the attackers in 'The Seven Against Thebes'. M
712 Adrean Latin Variant of Adrian: Black; dark; of the Adriatic. M
713 Adren Latin Variant of Adrian: Black; dark; of the Adriatic. M

714 Adri Hindi Rock. M
715 Adrian English From the Latin Hadrianus meaning of Adria or of the Adriatic sea region. Pope Adrian IV was a 12 century British Pope who became popular in the 1980s when Sue Townsend published 'The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole'. M
716 Adrian Latin Black; dark; of the Adriatic. M
717 Adrian Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' A Volscian. 'The Tempest' A lord. M
718 Adriano Italian From the Adtiatic. M
719 Adriano Latin Of the Adriatic. M
720 Adriano Shakespearean 'Love's Labours Lost' Don Adriano De Armado, fantastical Spaniard. M