Showing 21 - 40 of 3051 results. Page: 2 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
21 Aamin Hindi Grace of God. M
22 Aamir Muslim Variant of Amir: Populous. Full. Prosperous. Amply settled. Civilized. Also used to refer to a prince or ruler.. M

23 Aamir Muslim Variant of Amir: Populous. Full. Prosperous. Amply settled. Civilized. Also used to refer to a prince or ruler.. M
24 Aanan Hindi Face. M
25 Aandaleeb Hindi Bluebird. M
26 Aaqaa Muslim Variant of Agha: Master. Owner.. M
27 Aaqil Muslim Intellectual. Wise.. M
28 Aarao Hebrew Variant of Aaron: Lofty; exalted; high mountain. Biblically, Aaron was Moses' older brother (and keeper by God's command). He was first high priest of the Israelites, remembered for the miraculous blossoming of his staff or rod. M
29 Aaren Scandinavian Lofty or inspired. M
30 Aaric English Variant of Aric 'rule with mercy.'. M
31 Aaric Norse Variant of Aric rule with mercy. M
32 Aarif Muslim Acquainted. Knowledgeable. Devotee.. M
33 Aaron Biblical A teacher; lofty; mountain of strength M

34 Aaron Hebrew Lofty; exalted; high mountain. Biblically, Aaron was Moses' older brother (and keeper by God's command). He was first high priest of the Israelites, remembered for the miraculous blossoming of his staff or rod. M
35 Aaron Shakespearean 'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' A Moor, beloved by Tamora. M
36 Aart Anglo-Saxon Like an eagle. M
37 Aasaf Muslim Clear. Lined up.. M
38 Aashiq Muslim Lover. Fancier.. M
39 Aasim Muslim Protector. Guardian.. M
40 Aatmadeva Hindi God of the soul. M