Showing 2921 - 2940 of 3051 results. Page: 147 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2921 Avim Biblical Wicked or perverse men M
2922 Avimelech Hebrew Father is king. M

2923 Aviner Hebrew Variant of Abner: Father of light. M
2924 Avinoam Hebrew Pleasant father. M
2925 Aviram Hebrew My father is strong; father of heights. M
2926 Avisha Hebrew Variant of Avishai: Gift from God. M
2927 Avishai Hebrew Gift from God. M
2928 Avital Hebrew Father of dew. M
2929 Avith Biblical Wicked; perverse M
2930 Avitul Hebrew Variant of Avital: Father of the dew. M
2931 Aviur Hebrew Father of fire. M
2932 Aviv Hebrew Spring; young. M
2933 Aviya Hebrew Variant of Aviah: My father is Lord. M

2934 Avner Hebrew Father of light. M
2935 Avniel Hebrew God is my strength. M
2936 Avonaco NativeAmerican Lean bear (Cheyenne). M
2937 Avonmore Irish From the great river. M
2938 Avraham Hebrew Father of a multitude. M
2939 Avram Hebrew Variant of Abraham: Father of many. M
2940 Avrel English Variant of Averill: Fighting boar. M