Showing 2121 - 2140 of 3051 results. Page: 107 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2121 Apemantus Shakespearean 'The Life of Timon of Athens' A flattering lord, and a churlish philosopher. M
2122 Apenimon NativeAmerican Worthy of trust. M

2123 Apharsathchites Biblical Dividing or rending. M
2124 Apharsites Biblical Dividing or rending. M
2125 Aphek Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. M
2126 Aphekah Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. M
2127 Aphiah Biblical Speaking, blowing. M
2128 Aphik Biblical Strength, a rapid torrent. M
2129 Apia Hawaiian God is my father. M
2130 Apiatan NativeAmerican Kiowa name meaning lance. M
2131 Apikai Hawaiian Gift of God; gift from God. M
2132 Apilama Hawaiian Variant of Apelama: He who has many children. M
2133 Apis Egyptian Mythical dead bull thought to be Osiris. M

2134 Apocalypse Biblical Uncovering, revelation. M
2135 Apocrypha Biblical Hidden. M
2136 Apollo ArthurianLegend Uncle of Tristan. M
2137 Apollo Greek Manly beauty. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of medicine and healing who drove his fiery chariot (the sun) through the sky. M
2138 Apollo Latin God of the sun. M
2139 Apollodorus Latin Name of a Greek writer. M
2140 Apollon Greek Variant of Apollo: Manly beauty. In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of medicine and healing who drove his fiery chariot (the sun) through the sky. M