Showing 2061 - 2080 of 3051 results. Page: 104 of 153
# Name Origin Meaning Gender
2061 Anubis Egyptian God of the dead. M
2062 Anuenue Akua Hawaiian Rainbow's spirit. M

2063 Anum African Ghanian name given to the fifth born child. M
2064 Anum Egyptian Fifth born. M
2065 Anwaar Muslim Multiple lights. Luster.. M
2066 Anwar Arabic Beams of light; shafts of light. M
2067 Anwar Muslim Beautiful. Disclosed.. M
2068 Anwar Welsh Wild. M
2069 Anwas Welsh Legendary father of Twrch. M
2070 Anwealda Anglo-Saxon Ruler. M
2071 Anwell Celtic Beloved. M
2072 Anwell Welsh Beloved. M
2073 Anwil Welsh Beloved. M

2074 Anwill Welsh Beloved. M
2075 Anwir Welsh Liar. M
2076 Anwyl Celtic Beloved. M
2077 Anwyl Welsh Beloved. M
2078 Anwyll Welsh Beloved. M
2079 Anynnawg Welsh Legendary son of Menw. M
2080 Anyon Celtic Anvil. M